I've just found out I've got to the finals of an amazing local award.
If you’d like to vote for me now I’m in the finals here's the link: sussex.muddystilettos.co.uk/awards/vote/?c=67811
These awards are so so wonderful for local businesses, helping support them and celebrate the work they do.
I’m always unsure what to do about awards etc but this one means alot as I know I keep going on about it but it's been really difficult writing my new blog about the injustices and issues in yoga and wellness, and to get this platform to share it would mean alot. (Please find the link to my blog on the menu bar at the top of this page if you fancied a read).
Anyway like I said there are loads of categories so have a snoop about and vote to your hearts content. I think I speak for everyone that's involved that it means alot more than just a vote.
All my love and thanks again for reading,
Hannah x
p.s. Some great local businesses are also in the finals:
-Monellis - Hastings (Best casual dining)
-The bottle of Hastings - Hastings (Best wine & beer specialist)
-Galleria - St Leonards (Best casual dining)
-Wermut Bar - St Leonards (Best bar)
-Westworks Collective - Hastings (Best hair salon)
-Tic Toc Hair - Hastings (Best hair salon)